Potty Mouth Poopcast
Potty Mouth Poopcast is dedicated to the discussion of poo and all things taboo. Join the Serrato Sisters as they take you for swhirlywinds of hilarity. It's the shittiest podcast ever!
Potty Mouth Poopcast
E32 - Un-Teaching Taboo
Karla Serrato and Sarah Sofia Serrato
Season 3
Episode 32
How do we not censor our youth so that they, as future adults, have a healthier relationship with taboo and difficult to talk about topics, especially when we have been raised to not talk about certain things ourselves? Basically, this is how to be woke-ass-parents.........if you want to. You do you. But also, like try it. :D
We have the potential to gift our children with some very powerful emotional, mental, & empathic intelligence.
Let us know what you liked about this episode. We definitely dropped the C word....How did that make you feel?
E-mail: pottymouthpoopcast@gmail.com
This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised.