Potty Mouth Poopcast

Potty Mouth Poopcast - The Trailer

Karla Serrato and Sarah Sofia Serrato

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Introducing the shittiest podcast ever!

Welcome to Potty Mouth Poop Cast where we talk about poo and all things taboo.  Hosted by sister duo Sarah Sofia and Karla Serrato.  We take you on swirly winds of hilarity and seriously serious conversations about topics that make us seriously uncomfortable. 

This podcast contains explicit language and discussions for mature audiences.

If you wish to cavort with our brilliant minds, you can email us at pottymouthpoopcast@gmail.com And you can also stalk us on social media, Instagram and facebook we are Potty Mouth Poocast and on Twitter we are @poop_cast

Just as a heads up, our first 5 episodes were made under the “Start Ugly” philosophy (see “Start Ugly” by Chris Krimitsos). Power through and we promise we stop eating while recording and cooing at babies and dogs.

If you want to BeFree Yourself, give us a listen.

Have a shitty week!

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