Potty Mouth Poopcast

S2 E23 - Sarah Does Double Doody -Crossover with B.S. with Bobby & Sarah!

Karla Serrato and Sarah Sofia Serrato Season 2 Episode 23

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B.S. with Bobby & Sarah is a podcast that Sarah also co-hosts with her long time college friend Bobby. This crossover episode was a shit-ton of fun!! Karla tells us her theory on why women love True Crime podcasts, Bobby tells us how he lost a Puma sock to a poo incident! We talk New Year goals, a Chinchilla as president, a pilot idea for a Chicago based t.v. show, learn some Spanish, and many other shenanigans! And in true B.S. with Bobby & Sarah form, we play a game - Two Truths and a Lie-! "This is the year of Mime"

-------B.S. with Bobby & Sarah-------
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bswithbspodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bswithbspodcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bswithbspodcast

-------Potty Mouth Poopcast-------
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This episode contains discussions that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion advised.

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